Red Balloon of the Air

What is RBAir?

RBAir is a specialist setting offering a hybrid of online and face-to-face support to learners. Our holistic provision focuses on the core areas of education, wellbeing, re-engagement and social development.

Who do we support?

We support learners who:

  • are unable to access mainstream education;
  • need support to re-engage with education;
  • may struggle with social engagement;
  • have an EHCP;
  • are able to access a KS3 or KS4 curriculum independently;
  • have a reading age of at least 10 years;
  • want to join RBAir and will make a commitment to engage with the programme.

Learners can join RBAir from Y7 and many work with us to complete their GCSEs. We have learners in Years 12 and above (up to age 21) who are studying at Key Stage 4 level (GCSEs and equivalent) but we are not able to offer A-levels.


RBAir is a registered JCQ exam centre (both Cambridge and Essex); learners can take their exams with us in a welcoming and familiar environment.

All learners will be supported by our Careers and Transitions programme.

How do we do it?

RBAir is structured using the three interlinking components of education, wellbeing and social re-engagement. The difference between RBAir and Red Balloon Centres is that RBAir’s provision is delivered through a specialist hybrid model of interactive online and in-person sessions. The hybrid model has been proven to work (through our exam results and successful onward transitions to either other educational settings or employment.

  1. Education – Our learners start with individualised online sessions before moving into small groups of up to six (moving into a group occurs after discussion between the learner, Link Mentor and their family). Our subject specialists use innovative and therapeutic teaching and learning techniques to support learners, including the opportunity to carry out practicals at a distance, as well as in person at one of our Centres. Learners are encouraged to be actively involved in designing their own negotiated curriculum.
  2. Therapy – Trained and registered therapists provide online and face-to-face therapy sessions and psychological support to help learners recognise and overcome their challenges, develop resilience and feel able to re-engage with many aspects of life.
  3. Social re-engagement – Link Mentors act as a bridge between the learner, their family, RBAir staff and other relevant professionals , as well as being a mentor to the learner. The Link Mentor works skillfully to develop each learner’s self-confidence at a pace that ensures their personal growth is sustainable.

We have well-appointed facilities in Cambridge and Essex. When learners are ready, they can come and meet with their peers and take part in small group sessions such as clubs, community trips or practical science experiments. We also offer termly trips and activities which all learners are supported to access.

Read more about our provision, our curriculum and the subjects we offer here.

Where do we operate?

RBAir’s focus on individual support means that each of our learners has a Link Mentor to support them throughout their time with us, who visits their home and helps them progress to interacting face-to-face again with other learners. Therefore, we must have Link Mentors available in the geographical location to provide face-to-face support.

We are currently able to support learners in Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Peterborough and Suffolk, though we are always expanding to reach new areas, so please do get in touch to see if we are able to support you.


Due to the highly individual nature of the provision at RBAir, it is not considered appropriate to have blanket admissions criteria – each learner should be viewed as an individual and assessed for suitability as such. However, RBAir does have core criteria, which is as follows:

  • RBAir must be able to meet the outcomes named in the learner’s EHC Plan;
  • The learner must live in a geographical area where RBAir has available Link Mentors;
  • Learners must have a reading age of 10+;
  • The youngest Year Group we can take is Y7 (up to age 21);
  • The learner’s home must be a safe environment for them to be based;
  • The learner’s home must have reliable internet connection;
  • The learner must be able to access online sessions independently;
  • The learner must be able to get to our Centre (Cambridge or Essex) to be able to participate in social opportunities with peers when ready;
  • The learner must want to join RBAir and make a commitment to engage with the programme.

RBAir may not be suitable for learners who demonstrate persistent, or extreme, physically aggressive behaviour.

However, RBAir will take into account the circumstances where a learner has demonstrated aggressive behaviour in the past. For example, it may have been due to stress in an unsuitable school environment and when placed in an untenable situation.

All new learners sign a ‘Community Agreement’, which demonstrates that they: want to join RBAir; make a commitment to engage with the programme; and agree to treat everyone in the RBAir community with kindness and respect.

If you think RBAir might be the right place for your child, please click the following link to complete an enquiry form. One of our Admissions Officers will be in touch with you within five working days.


Click here to complete the RBAir Enquiry Form


If RBAir is unsuitable for your child, please take a look at our other Centres.

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