RBAir Statutory Information and Policies

RBAir is part of Red Balloon Educational Trust, Registered charity number 1109606

RBAir’s registration as a school

As a blended online and in-person provision, RBAir falls into a grey area in legislation and is currently unable to legally register as a school due to the logistics of our physical locations and the fact that students do not attend our premises on a daily basis. We are working with the Department for Education to resolve this, but cannot be inspected at this time. It should be noted that this is not a reflection on the high quality provision which we provide: the Department for Education has provided a Letter of Comfort which can be seen here.

RBAir has taken part in many Quality Assurance processes with a range of Local Authorities and is recognised as an approved Alternative Provider in many areas of the UK. You can download our Quality Assurance Certificate for Cambridgeshire here.

RBAir is a registered GCSE exam centre, with an access arrangements and assesment team, and a member of the Independent Schools Association.

Performance outcomes

Our programme is designed to reduce students’ social isolation, build their confidence and get them back on an academic track, raising their ambitions and interest in learning.

We support a very diverse group of young people, many of whom have been out of education for several months or even years. When our students join us, they have missed extensive periods of schooling. Accordingly, their attainment levels are usually well below the national average for their age.

We also have a high proportion of students with special educational needs – in 2017/18, 81% of our students had recognised special educational needs. It is therefore important to view performance not just in terms of academic attainment. RBAir values the progress students make in their personal, emotional and social development just as much as those achievements measured by exams.

GCSE exams 2023

Our students each sit a selection of subjects based on their needs and aspirations; highlights of this year’s results are shared below. We were delighted to see their achievements this year, with an overall grade 9-4 pass rate of 75%.

  • Of our 12 students who took Maths, 92% achieved grades 4-9
  • Of our 13 students who took English Language, 72% achieved grades 4-9
  • Of the 16 total Science exams taken, 75% were awarded grades 4-9,
  • Of our 9 students who took Psychology, 89% achieved grades 4-9
  • Of our 2 students who took Physics, 100% achieved grades 4-9
  • Of our 2 students who took English Literature, 100% achieved grades 4-9


Non-GCSE exams and qualifications 2023

Our students also took a range of non-GCSE exams and qualifications, including BTECs, Functional Skills, Edexcel Awards and Arts Awards at various levels. Qualifications ranged in subject from the core English, Maths, and Science, to more varied subjects such as Arts and Animal Care.

Across all these qualifications our students achieved an incredible 95% pass rate.

  • Of our 7 students who took Maths Functional Skills Level 1, 100% passed
  • Of our 4 students who took Maths Functional Skills Level 2, 100% passed
  • Of our 2 students who took English Functional Skills Level 1, 100% passed

View all testimonials


Policies are reviewed annually by the Centre trustees. The Chair of Trustees signs a policy list (held in the Centre office) to indicate that this has been carried out. Names of ‘responsible staff’ (e.g. Examinations Officer) as required within policies are also available from the Centre office.

Accessibility Plan
Behaviour for Learning
Child on Child Abuse
DBS Check
Dealing with Allegations of Abuse
Disability and Discrimination
Equality, Information and Objectives
First Aid
Health and Safety
Lone Worker Policy
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Child-on-Child Abuse
Prevent and Anti-Radicalisation
Quality Assurance
Risk Assessment
Safeguarding and child protection
Safer Recruitment
Staff Code of Conduct
Subject Access Request
Supervision of pupils
Use of Reasonable Force
Work Placement

All policies relating to GDPR, Data and Privacy for RBET Centres are available here

Key documents

SEND information report
Curriculum Statement


Annual reports

Red Balloon Educational Trust produces an annual report for the work undertaken across the Trust, including RBAir, Red Balloon Worthing, RBET – Norfolk and Central Services. Our most recent reports are available below.


Key Centre information

Address Willow Lodge, 37 High Street, Milton,
Cambridge, CB24 6DF
Telephone number 01223 354338
Name of Headteacher Hannah Curry and Philip White
Proprietor Red Balloon Educational Trust

Willow Lodge, 37 High Street, Milton,
Cambridge, CB24 6DF

01223 366052

Chair of the governing board Carrie Herbert
Statement of the school’s ethos and aimsPlease read our Curriculum Statement


Number of official complaints received: 0

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