September 2023 Updates from Red Balloon Worthing

September 2023 worthing

Exam Success

What a fantastic start to the new academic year at Red Balloon Worthing. All our learners achieved a Pass in their Functional Skills in English. Huge congratulations to all our learners and grateful thanks to the teaching staff and mentors who have supported them all the way through the process.

Summer Meet-ups

We held some online meet-ups and some in Centre activity afternoons during the Summer break. These were well attended and it was a great opportunity for our learners to re-connect and prepare for their return in September. Thanks to staff and volunteers who gave their time to organise the activities.

During the last week of the Summer term, some of our Year 10 learners were very brave and entered an escape room. The theme was 1990’s Berlin and our detectives had to crack the code to stop the Berlin Wall from not being pulled down. The teamwork was absolutely brilliant and it was a truly unforgettable experience!

A highlight of the end of last term was our Summer Showcase. It was a fantastic event – which was well attended by family, friends, neighbours, governors and staff.


worthing showcase

Beehives in the Park

Red Balloon learners were fortunate enough to have a visit to bee hives in Brooklands Park. The company were so impressed with the focus and dedication of our learners that they asked Red Balloon to decorate a new bee hive. We were also to choose the name of the queen bee who will be residing in the hive. Learners voted and decided to name the queen: Badby after our exams officer John Badby. We will be able to visit the queen and her new colony in the Spring of next year!

worthing beehives

GCSE Food and Nutrition

We have introduced GCSE Food and Nutrition this year and our cooks have produced some amazing food. The focus was making a healthy meal with pasta, spinach and mushrooms.

Generous Donations

We had a very generous donation of free lab coats from Glaxo Smith Kline Foundation. Representatives from GSK visited the centre and the Science lab and were really impressed with our learners’ commitment to Science. They were also very interested in promoting their engineering apprenticeships.

We also had a generous donation from Tescos thanks to their in-store token collection. The money is being used to create reading areas across the centre to promote literacy.

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