Red Balloon Norwich Statutory Information and Policies

RB-Norwich – Registered charity number 1117092

Performance outcomes

Our programme is designed to reduce students’ social isolation, build their confidence and get them back on an academic track, raising their ambitions and interest in learning.

We support a very diverse group of young people, many of whom have been out of education for several months or years. When our students join us, they have missed extensive periods of schooling. Accordingly, their attainment levels are usually well below the national average for their age. All our students have an EHCP with needs in one or more of the following categories:

  • Communication and Interaction
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health
  • Sensory and Physical

It is therefore important to view performance not just in terms of academic attainment.

Our targets for our students

We continually monitor the quality of our provision. We aim to achieve the following outcomes:

  • 80% of students improve attendance from 0% at their previous school to over 70% at Red Balloon after 12 months on the programme.
  • 100% of students return or transition to appropriate mainstream or alternative education or further education, training or work.
  • 100% of eligible students (Years 10 and 11) sit exams and obtain qualifications.

  • “Thank you for giving us our son back. We do not know what would have happened if he did not come to Red Balloon.”

    From the Red Balloon Norwich Centre

  • “I value that there's smaller classes and less people. The work is the right level for me.”

    From the Red Balloon Norwich Centre
    In Red Balloon Norwich

  • “Red Balloon is a 'safe space' for me.”

    From the Red Balloon Norwich Centre
    In Red Balloon Norwich

  • “When I was off because I was ill, it was the first time ever that I missed being in school”

    From the Red Balloon Norwich Centre

View all testimonials


Annual reports

Until 2020, Annual Reports for the Centre were produced by Red Balloon Educational Trust (at the time called Red Balloon Learner Centre Group) who produced an annual report for the work undertaken across the Red Balloon federation of charities. These reports are available below.


Financial Regulations

The financial regulations adopted on the 18 March 2021 can be downloaded here.



Policies are reviewed annually by the Centre trustees. The Chair of Trustees signs a policy list (held in the Centre office) to indicate that this has been carried out. Names of ‘responsible staff’ (e.g. Examinations Officer) as required within policies are also available from the Centre office.

Please note that we are currently updating all our policies listed below to reflect the appointment of Mark Anderson as our Head of Centre. New policies reflecting this change will be uploaded shortly.

Accessibility Plan
Accessibility Policy
Attendance Policy Internal Procedures
Behaviour for learning
Behaviour support policy
Bullying and Harassment (staff)
Curriculum teaching and learning
Data Protection
DBS check policy
Dealing with allegations of abuse against staff
Disability and discrimination
English as an additional language
Equality and diversity
Examinations Contingency Plan
Exam Complaints & Internal Appeals
Fire policy
First aid
Health and Safety
Home visits
Independent School Exclusion
Low Level Concerns
Non Examination Assessment
Online Safety
Peer-on-Peer Abuse
Risk Assessment
Safeguarding and child protection
Safe recruitment
SEND Information Report
Staff code of conduct
Student Wellbeing
Supervision Policy
Use of reasonable force
Whistle blowing
Work placement

Covid risk assessment

Red Balloon Norwich’s Covid risk assessment can be downloaded here.

Number of official complaints received: 0

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