If you’re worried that your child is being bullied at school

  • Talk with your child. Speak calmly and reassuringly, ask what they want to do about the problem and discuss steps to take going forward. Bear in mind that many children are worried that their parents will make a fuss and make things worse.
  • Make a note of all worrying incidents (including dates, times, names and locations).
  • If your child is showing evidence of mental distress, consult a GP.
  • Explain the problem calmly to the school, talk about coping strategies and how they can help.
  • If the school isn’t responding, don’t take your child off roll, even if they stop attending. If the school threatens to prosecute, go with it and say in court: “My child isn’t at school because they are unsupported and here’s the evidence.”
  • Bullying may involve violence, assault, harassment, intimidation or malicious communications, which are illegal and can be reported to the police.

It is very important for your child to take control of the situation and for you not to do it for them. Red Balloon has written more comprehensive advice on bullying and exclusions, endorsed by the Anti-Bullying Alliance, which is available here.

Useful websites

There are many websites from which you can get good advice and information about what to do if you are being bullied. Some sites also offer help and advice on a number of other issues that affect children and young people, from drugs to eating disorders and your emotional health and well-being.

If you need to talk to someone now

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